Want to Quit your Job and Start a Business (But Scared)? Try This Strategy.

Want to Quit your Job and Start a Business (But Scared)? Try This Strategy.

It wasn't that long ago that I quit my last full time job. I'd been running my business on the side for about 3 years, always with the security of having a paycheck and regular income, which was a super important value of mine. I've known for years that I wanted to be an entrepreneur, and have complete control over my life and my work and my income and my time and my location. But I also have always really valued security, a sure thing, responsibility, money, safety. 

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Hate Job Applications? Don't Do Them.

Hate Job Applications? Don't Do Them.

Job applications suck, I know. They are time consuming, and if you are one of those nimble 21st century professionals who could be useful to at least 5 different types of roles (hint: you probably are), it feels like you have to reinvent yourself and all of your personal marketing materials each time you apply for something. And the agony of writing the perfect opening cover letter sentence? I know that pain. Set it aside and pour yourself a beverage, you have better options. 

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Career Advising Appointments are Available!

Career Advising Appointments are Available!

Excellent news, you can now book career advising appointments via CareerJanet. It's all fancy-pants and automated and super-duper easy, so if you have a career dilemma you want to talk about, get in there! Click here to book an appointment. 

Topics we can cover: 

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Why a Startup Should Be Your First Internship

Why a Startup Should Be Your First Internship

I'm often asked by students contemplating job offers, "Should I start with an established company and then go to a startup later, or take this opportunity with a startup and hope that it works out?" 


Even when you're drawn to entrepreneurial, fun work environments and the excitement of a startup, it can be tempting to want to take the position at the well-known company. Doing that provides name recognition on your resume, and can be a secure way to add to your bank account and maybe pay down your student loans (or avoid taking out more). But if you're drawn to startups at all, they make great internship and first job experiences. Here's why: 

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